I wanted to be able to see my little baby in different stages of her pregnancy. So when I found out she was having a couple of doctor appointments and another ultrasound, that would probably be able to tell them the sex of their baby, I planned my trip around those appointments. I really wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat in addition to finding out whether or not it was a boy or a girl!

So luckily I was able to go to two of her doctor's appointments and the ultrasound appointment in that one trip. She is a little thing so even though she was only 4 months pregnant at the time you definitely could tell she was pregnant. She had a nice little bulge to her belly. Hearing the baby's heartbeat was wonderful! That was one of my sweetest moments I remember from when Brenda was pregnant with Connor also. I mean you know their pregnant, but when you hear that little thump thump thump of their little babies heart, it just makes it so real. I had such a warm feeling come over me when I heard that precious baby's heart beating so little but so strong! I can't wait to welcome Grandbaby #2 into this world and hold it in my arms and love on it. I've got lots and lots of Grandma kisses ready to shower it with.

Then to get to see him on the ultrasound! Yes it's going to be a little BOY. My baby is expecting a baby boy! He looked absolutely perfect, healthy and growing strong. 10 little fingers and 10 little toes! The doctor said everything looked great and there should be no problems at all. This baby is going to be so loved when he gets here! We can't wait to meet him!! He is due sometime in mid January 2011 around the 14th.

I also spent a lot of time at the beach working on my tan. I did manage a little shopping and a little sightseeing too. I also went on my first kayak adventure with Heather. We were able to spend the weekend at her in law's home and took the kayaks almost out their backyard right into the ocean. I had never been in a kayak let alone paddled one. We had a blast though and went to a little secluded beach and had our picnic lunch there. We then looked for seashells and I collected some sea glass also.
They also have recently bought a sailboat and have been working on sprucing it up and making it their own. We took it out for a few hours and sailed around Honolulu. We saw quite a few large sea turtles swimming around and I was on the look out for a dolpin but didn't see any. It was the wrong time of the year to see the whales.
We did a circle island tour again and Heather stopped at a few of her favorite beaches for me to get out and look at. We had a great lunch at a North Shore island favorite restaurant. They had huge hamburgers and some killer cake! Yum Yum!! We stopped at the famous Pipe Line on the North Shore and was able to also go to the beach for awhile where the large sea turtles hang out at. There are "Turtle People" there watching the turtles and making sure that the tourist leave them alone and for the most part let them be. There was a few on shore and the most I had ever seen swimming real close to shore.
I once again had a great trip to Hawaii!!! It's really cool that my daughter lives in paradise and is so close to the beach. I think I could get used to this.... I guess I'll be racking up the frequent flyer miles when I come to babysit!
“Grandmas are the people who take delight in hearing babies breathing into the telephone.”